Grateful Dead Tattoo Submission

Had the Mark As Plain As Day

Gratefully Tattooed

Upload your Grateful Dead Tattoo

If you are submitting multiple tattoos, please submit your tattoo pictures per artist to enable us to to give the proper credit. For the best chance at getting featured in the book: make sure the photo is brightly lit, taken from straight on, and as hi-resolution as possible. We look forward to seeing your work and coming together to create a truly unique collectors item for the entire Grateful Dead community to enjoy for years to come!

Tattoo Information

Please list the shop name as well as the city and state where it is located.
Please upload your images here. You may upload more than one picture at a time. If you receive an error message that your files are too large, please send them through email to with all of the information we are asking for in this form. Thank you.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Consent to use your image(Required)